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Pamela Campos

Coordinator: Community Schools

Roshawnna Cheromiah

Secretary: Ap/Attendance Ms

Susan Esquerra

Secretary: Principal Ms

Sabrina Garcia

Asst Principal: Middle School

Joshua Laclair

Principal: Middle School

Teachers & Librarians

Cynthia Ballantine

Teacher: Music/Chor/Bnd/Orch

Natalie Bonelli

Choir, Piano
Teacher: Classroom

Sumarin Brum

Teacher: Classroom

Erin Chavez

Teacher: Classroom

Lena Fahrenkrog

Teacher: Music/Chor/Bnd/Orch

Chaushie Forster

Teacher: Classroom

Linda Greenleaf

Teacher: Classroom

Lisa Hamilton

Teacher: Gifted

Kalyn Lopez

Teacher: Classroom

Andrew Malone

Teacher: Classroom

Joe Mcdaniel

Instructor: Middle School Leadership

Cheryl Padilla-Maldonado

Teacher: Itinerant Art

Naina Panthaki

Teacher: Classroom

Isla Porras

Math Interventionist
Teacher: Interventionist

Teyana Pugh

Teacher: Itinerant Art

Ivan Reeves

Teacher: Interventionist

Carlye Roberts

Teacher: Classroom

John Rojas

Teacher: Classroom

Whitney Salazar

Teacher: Classroom

Alexander Santistevan

Teacher: Itinerant Music

Andreas Steinmetz

Teacher: Classroom

Joseph Varela

Teacher: Classroom

Nancy Hopp


Special Education

Rebecca Carter Keesling

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Cecillia Gonzales

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Kelli Holloman

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Heather Kazda

Social Worker-Sp Ed

Melanie Lucero

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Berenice Manriquez

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Jenna Paulson

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Rachel Ramirez

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Toni Seidler

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Cody Sinclair

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Educational Assistants

Heidi Carleton

Educ Asst: Health

Julia Hernandez

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Nancy Hopp

Educ Asst: Library-Media

Rene Mares

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Ruby Ortiz Rodriguez

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Elizabeth Romero

Educ Asst: General Education

Sonya Troncoso

Educ Asst: Special Ed


Deaven Alexander

Yardman: D2

Melissa Begay


Heidi Carleton

Educ Asst: Health

Rilke Crane

Temps/Hourly: Activity Leader

Bryanna Garcia

Custodian: D1

Timothy Gonzales

Temps/Hourly: Coach

Adriana Holguin

Site Supervisor: Fs

Mark Jaquez

Temps/Hourly: Coach

Rachel Redmond


Raymond Sandoval

Custodian: D1

Edward Tafoya

Temps/Hourly: Coach

Francisca Tarango Lopez

Custodian: D1

Ruben Viera

Custodian: Head <6 Emp/Night

Section 504 Coordinator

Cynthia Ballantine

Teacher: Music/Chor/Bnd/Orch